Proper Eye Care: What to Do When You Have Dry Eye Syndrome

 In Eye Care

Proper eye care is one of the growing concerns that people need to prioritize during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since many interactions are shifting to digital spaces, more people are utilizing digital devices to connect with different services. This increases the risk of eye problems that can range from minor to severe complications.

Once seemingly minor condition is dry eye syndrome. It can be a temporary or chronic illness, depending on how the person got it. In most cases, dry eyes are easily curable. However, it can continue to get worse over time. This is why you need to know how to reduce dry eye symptoms to avoid the risk of permanent damage to your eyesight.

How to treat dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome manifests itself through irritation, redness, and blurry vision. It can come from the overuse of your eyes or your body’s other illnesses like arthritis and diabetes. It’s essential to consult an optometrist to know the root cause of your condition. Afterward, you must take the necessary steps to manage your symptoms.

If your optometrist diagnoses you with dry eye syndrome, here are three things you should do to manage your condition.

1. Apply artificial tears

The causes for dry eyes can vary, from susceptibility due to other medical complications or overuse of your eyes. You can develop a mild, but curable, case of dry eye syndrome through too much reading, primarily through using digital devices without blue light filters. Using artificial tears or lubricating eye drops is an excellent way to lessen its effects.

2. Use RESTATIS® eye drops

Besides artificial tears, your optometrist may also recommend a prescription of RESTASIS®  eye drops. It lubricates your eyes and contains an agent that reduces your eyelids’ inflammation and your eye’s surface. Applying it to your irritated eyes will help them produce natural tears to ensure the right moisture levels for your eye’s health.

3. Receive LipiFlow Treatment

Besides applying different formulas to your eye, you can also receive treatments to speed up your recovery. The LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System is an in-office dry eye solution that uses warm compress therapy with meibomian gland expression. The device fits over your eyelids to apply controlled heat to soften the meibum trapped in your meibomian glands. This releases the right amount of meibum to your eyelids’ margin and around your eyelashes’ base. It balances the oil in the tear film to relieve your symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

LipiFlow treatment takes 12 minutes per eye. However, its effects will vary from case to case. Depending on your condition, it may take anything from 2 weeks to a few months before you can see significant improvements. Nevertheless, its effects on chronic cases will last well beyond 3 years for best-case scenarios.


Taking care of your eyesight is a necessity, especially with the development of today’s technological advancements. With businesses shifting to online platforms, it’s more likely that you can’t escape the need to use your mobile devices for any transaction. Whether you’re rushing a report or ordering a meal, your use of digital platforms will put stress on your eyes. It’s best to consult with an optometrist to prevent any severe repercussions if you start experiencing irritation symptoms in your eyes.

If you’re looking for a Charlotte-based optometrist to diagnose your eyes, our trained staff are happy to help. We provide vision care products and personalized optometric services for different conditions and illnesses. Book a consultation with our experts today to receive an accurate diagnosis of your eye’s health.

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